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Today we have received numerous reports about false email notifications being sent to domain owners of domains hosted on our supremecenter43.com server. The email has the subject "Hosting Regular Security Maintenance" and asks you to install a script in your account. This email is not originating from us and it is a fraudulent one. If you receive such email, please delete it and do not download the attachment.

Here is a copy of the spoof email:

Reply-To: security.admin@supremecenter43.com
Subject: Hosting Regular Security Maintenance
Date: Thu, 08 Feb 2007 00:20:54 -0800
Dear supremecenter43 valued Members

Regarding our new security regulations, as a part of our yearly maintenance we have provided a security guard script in the attachment.

So, to secure your websites, please use the attached file and (for UNIX/Linux Based servers) upload the file "guard.php" in: "./public_html" or (for Windows Based servers which use ASP) upload the file " guard.asp" in:

"./wwwroot" in your site.

If you do not know how to use it, you can use the following instruction:

For Unix/Linux based websites that use PHP/CGI/PERL:
1) Download the attachment named " guard.zip"
2) Extract file "guard.php"
3) Login to your site Control panel.
4) Open "File Manager" window.
5) Go through "Public_html" or "htdocs"
6) Choose "Upload Files"
7) Upload the file "guard.php"
8) Check its URL too "http://www.yoursite.com/guard.php", if it is ok

For Windows based websites that use ASP:
1) Download the attachment named "guard.zip"
2) Extract file "guard.asp"
3) Login to your site Control panel.
4) Open "File Manager" window.
5) Go through "wwwroot" directory
6) Choose "Upload Files"
7) Upload the file "guard.asp"
8) Check its URL too "http://www.yoursite.com/guard.asp", if it is ok

Thank you for using our services and products. We look forward to providing you with a unique and high quality service.

Best Regards

supremecenter43 Inc


The email is being sent to the email address provided in the WHOIS of domains, hosted on our servers. Our administrators are currently working on improving our servers' security to avoid such incidents in the future.

We strongly advise you to doubt any emails that come with an attachment and ask you to install certain software on your computer or on your web space. Spammers have become very ingenious in their efforts to steal people's personal information, so please be careful.

Thank you for your time and attention.

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