40+ Pre-installed Scripts
Blogs, Calendars, Photo Albums, Guestbooks, Forums, E-commerce, Classified Ads and many more...
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Free Domain Controls

Our Domain Manager gives you the opportunity to exercise full control over your domains:

• Full Whois Control
• Full DNS Control
• Create Your Own DNS like:
• A, MX, CNAME Records Control
• Domain Locking & EPP key
• Unlimited Parked Domains
• Domain Registrar Change
• Status Alerts

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We are happy to inform our customers that new unique software tool is available in the Web Hosting Control Panel's Domain Manager, Subdomain Manager and File manager sections as of today. The new tool is named Elefante Toolbar and has fully automated functionality allowing one-click installation of any chosen PHP script from the Elefante Installer package (nearly 40 scripts currently available).

And that's not even slightly exaggerated. Using the new tool, customers need to only choose a desired script, pick a host location to install the script and simply hit the 'Install' button! Now that's exceptionally easy, isn't it?

This handy functionality is for everyone who desire quick and easy installation of their scripts, without any complicated additional configurations, such as choosing a database, path, password, username, etc. The Elefante Toolbar generates all this information itself and installs the script in the main directory of the chosen host. For customers who wish, however, to specify all these configuration settings themselves, the Elefante Toolbar provides a quick shortcut - Advanced Installation link - to the main interface of the Elefante Installer control panel section where all parameters can be "hand" filled in.

One important issue needing your attention is that, if you try to install a chosen script in a folder where there exists a currently installed script, the Elefante Toolbar will give you two opportunities to choose from - 'Overwrite' of the currently installed in the folder script, or 'Advanced' installation. The 'Overwrite' option will install your chosen script in the folder, but will overwrite all existing files with duplicate names. The 'Advanced' installation option will allow you to specify a different folder path for the script installation, while most of the other settings will remain automatically filled in.

With compliments, from our web hosting team

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